Friday, July 24, 2015

Democrats begin to disown Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson

It's a small start, but it's always irritated me that such great Americans like these two are considered Democrats, when in fact they have little to do with current Dem/Prog ideology.

Could you ever imagine the day when these great Americans could be formally rejected by the political party that they founded?

Andrew was indeed a violent badass, but still, he opened the entire south to settlement, and kept the Europeans out - not to mention his triumph at New Orleans.

I hope this trend continues among the current crop of Dem/Progs, until political correctness forces them to dump all the founders.  Then, we the people can again adopt them and use their timeless political ideology to reclaim our control over our country and our government.


  1. Washington owned slaves too. It's time that the Democratic party demand that an Afro-American be put on the dollar banknote.

    1. I nominate Al Sharpton - by the time they get him on there the two will be worth roughly the same.
